20 Signs Your Soulmate is Thinking of You

Signs that Your Soulmate is Thinking of You
Signs that Your Soulmate is Thinking of You

What is your soulmate? And what are the Signs Your Soulmate is Thinking of You?

Have you ever had the unexpected experience of thinking of someone, only to have them get in touch with you shortly after? 

Have you ever had the overwhelming sense that, despite being far away, your soul mate is thinking about you? 

For ages, the notion of soulmates has enthralled people, and the notion that two people may have such a strong spiritual bond still fascinates us. Your soulmate is someone you share meaningful emotional connection with on a soul level.

This article will examine 20 signs that your soulmate is thinking of you.

What is a Soulmate?

A soulmate is someone you share a deep and meaningful connection with on a soul level, not merely someone who compliments you.

This involves a sense of spiritual connection and understanding that transcends everyday life and goes beyond simple physical attraction or compatibility.

A soulmate accepts you for who you really are, looks above your imperfections, and knows your essence. When you first meet, there’s an unexplainable sense of familiarity and belonging that ignites a link that transcends time and distance.

Despite what many people think, a soulmate doesn’t always have to be a romantic partner—they can also be friends or family who help you grow, find clarity in your life, and find serenity.

Intense emotional resonance, similar beliefs, mutual respect, and steadfast support despite life’s obstacles are common characteristics of a soulmate relationship.

Finding your soul mate isn’t about looking for perfection in another person; rather, it’s about seeing flaws as lovely qualities that enhance the process of self-awareness and personal development.

Signs that Your Soulmate is Thinking of You

Here are 20 signs that your soulmate is thinking of you:

1. You think of them often

Signs that Your Soulmate is Thinking of You
Signs that Your Soulmate is Thinking of You

One of the signs your soulmate is thinking of you is that you always have them on your mind.

It’s fine if you think about them once in a while. If you find yourself constantly thinking about your soulmate, even when you’re busy or distracted, it’s a good indication that you are on their mind as well.

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2. You have recurring dreams about them.

Although many don’t believe in dreams and their meaning, it could mean your soulmate is thinking of you if you constantly see him in your dreams. It could be a sign that they’re trying to reach out to you.

3. You see repeating numbers. 

Repeating numerals, like 11:11 or 777, is a phenomenon that has long been connected to communications from the afterlife. 

One of these interpretations is that seeing a particular number over and over could indicate that your soulmate is thinking of you. 

This concept draws upon the idea that human relationships can exist outside of physical bounds and take the form of synchronicities and signs. 

4. You feel their energy around you.

There’s no denying that your soulmate is thinking of you when you sense their energy around you. 

This unexplainable bond surpasses being physically close to them and frequently shows itself as an emotional outburst or a reassuring feeling of being encircled by them. 

It feels like their ideas are etching themselves into your mind, fostering a strong sense of oneness regardless of distance.

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5. You get goosebumps or chills. 

Have you ever suddenly felt shivers or goosebumps without knowing why? A lot of people assume that this can be an indication that their soul mate is considering them. 

Spiritual beliefs hold that soulmates have a connection that extends beyond physical bounds, enabling them to perceive each other’s feelings and thoughts from a distance. Goosebumps or chills could be an unexplainable indication of this deep connection.

Certain people read goosebumps or shivers as a subtle but palpable confirmation that their soul mate is in their thoughts.

It is seen as a reminder that the connection between like spirits never wavers in strength or importance, no matter how far apart they are physically. 

6. You hear their voice in your head.

A common belief is that hearing their soulmate’s voice in their thoughts indicates their partner is considering them. 

The spiritual and psychic communities speculate that this phenomenon might be a type of telepathic link between soulmates, even though it is frequently written off as coincidence or wishful thinking.

Some even assert that this event is a sign of a shared energy field between two people who have a strong spiritual connection.

7. You get unexpected synchronicities. 

Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that happen when two or more events that are not related are seemingly connected.

If you experience a lot of synchronicities, it could be a sign that your soulmate is trying to communicate with you.

8. You feel a strong emotional connection to them

The sensation of a deep emotional connection is one sign that your soulmate is thinking of you. Unexpectedly experiencing an overwhelming wave of emotions could be a sign that your soulmate is considering you.

 You may have an unexpected, strong emotional reaction to them that makes you feel closer to them than before.

Many people think that our souls are entwined with our soulmates’, forming an unbreakable relationship that is not limited by time or location. 

Unexpected emotional waves may rush over you when your soulmate is thinking of you. This deep connection serves as a poignant reminder of the inexplicable ways in which your souls are intertwined.

9. You have a sense of peace and well-being when you think of them.

Thinking about your soulmate should bring you a sense of peace and well-being. If you feel anxious or stressed when you think of them, it could be a sign that something is not right in your relationship.

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10. You know intuitively that they’re your soulmate

It may be an obvious indication that your soulmate is thinking of you when you sense their presence without any reason. 

This intuitive understanding enables you to access the spiritual bond between your souls, overcoming temporal and spatial barriers. 

Abrupt palpitations, a sensation of warmth coursing through your body, or a deluge of calm and tranquillity may all be experienced. 

These intense feelings are frequently indicators that your soulmate is making a sincere effort to connect with you.

11. They surprise you with gifts or tokens of affection. 

When your soulmate is thinking of you, they may express their feelings through thoughtful gestures. This could include small gifts, handwritten notes, or simply spending quality time together.

12. They make an effort to connect with you regularly

Their persistent attempt to get in touch with you regularly is one of the clearest indicators that your soulmate is thinking of you. 

This could show up as unexpected visits, text messages, or frequent phone calls, among other things. 

Someone values and prioritizes having you in their life when they go above and above to keep in touch with you frequently.

13. They Support Your Dreams and Aspirations

Your soulmate is not just a romantic partner; they are also your biggest cheerleader. They encourage you to pursue your dreams and offer support when things get tough.

They make you feel loved and appreciated. Your soulmate makes you feel special and appreciated, both through their words and actions. They make you feel like the only person in the room.

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14. They make you laugh and bring Joy into your life. 

Remember that your soulmate might be thinking of you when you find yourself overcome with excessive laughter and unrestrained joy. 

Laughter is a profound kind of communication that shows a strong relationship between like spirits and transcends physical presence. 

The sound of laughter reflects your soulmate’s considerate presence, whether it is through clever text messages or inside jokes.

15. They are honest and open with you. 

Your soul mate will always be sincere and transparent in your interactions when they are thinking of you. 

They’ll be open and honest with you about their ideas, emotions, and experiences, which will foster a vulnerable and trusting environment. 

Their openness shows how much they truly care about you and how much they want to establish a solid foundation for the relationship.

Your soulmate appreciates open communication and places a high priority on upholding authenticity in the relationship, as evidenced by their propensity to be forthright and honest. 

16. They are willing to compromise and find common ground. 

Your soulmate is willing to compromise and find common ground when you disagree. They value your opinion and work together to find solutions that work for both of you.

17. They forgive you when you make mistakes. 

One indication that your soulmate is thinking of you is if they can accept your faults. Any relationship needs forgiveness, and if your soulmate genuinely loves you, they will be kind and understanding when you make mistakes. 

Their readiness to let go of grudges and move on lovingly shows how deeply they care about your well-being.

When genuine soulmates are around, mistakes are not viewed as fatalities but rather as chances to improve. 

An easy-to-forgive spouse shows emotional intelligence and maturity, which creates the foundation for a stronger and intellectual relationship.

18. They make you feel like you can be yourself around them. 

The fact that your soulmate makes you feel like you can be who you are around them is one of the clearest indicators that they are thinking of you. 

A strong bond is evident when someone accepts you for who you are, imperfections and all. Your soulmate may be trying to let you know how much they value and respect your genuineness. 

You can tell they bring out the best in you and support self-expression without worrying about being judged if you feel at ease around them.

19. You feel a deep and abiding love for them. 

Feeling a profound and lasting love for someone even when they’re not around is one of the most powerful indicators that your soulmate is thinking of you. 

This powerful sensation warms every strand of your body and reverberates deep within. It feels as though their being seeps into your spirit, engulfing you in an unbreakable connection that surpasses geographical separation.

This deep bond, which beyond simple love or infatuation, frequently defies description. It represents a special spiritual resonance with someone who truly gets you and completes you. 

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20. Getting hiccups

Experiencing hiccups can indicate that your soulmate is considering you, despite its peculiar connotations. 

Hiccups are usually brought on by an abrupt diaphragmatic contraction; in certain cultures, these uncontrollable spasms are thought to happen when someone is talking about or missing you. 

This theory holds that this physical response is the result of your soulmate’s thoughts reaching out to you on a deeper level with their energy.

The notion that experiencing hiccups could be connected to someone thinking about you lends a whimsical and enigmatic quality to the idea of soulmates. 


It can be reassuring and gratifying to see the indications that your soulmate is thinking of you. The faint but potent signs of their existence in your ideas, emotions, and environment can be comforting and a way to connect. 

Although each person may exhibit different indications, recognizing and valuing them can strengthen your relationship with your soulmate. Accepting the coincidences and psychic insights into their minds might help people feel more connected to one another and understand one another better.

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