Just a Friend: 21 Telltale Signs a Relationship Feels Like Friendship

Signs a Relationship Feels Like Friendship
Signs a Relationship Feels Like Friendship

Just a Friend: 21 Telltale Signs a Relationship Feels Like Friendship

In romantic relationships, friendship and love must coexist in a delicate balance. People frequently find themselves in a scenario where their relationship is not so much a passionate romance as a close friendship.

People frequently experience uncertainty and bewilderment due to this phenomenon, leading them to wonder about the actual nature of their connection.

In this article, relationshipties.com examines the complexities of these kinds of relationships and looks at 21 warning flags that point to a situation where a relationship can feel more like a friendship.

We aim to clarify whether you are in a real relationship or friendship.

Is it normal for romantic relationships to feel like Friendships?

Indeed, it is not unusual for romantic relationships to contain aspects of friendship. The basis of many fruitful love relationships is a solid friendship.

A strong friendship is characterized by a strong emotional bond, common interests, enjoyment of each other’s company, and support. These components frequently support a love relationship’s sturdiness and endurance.

While having a friendship-like connection within a love relationship is common, preserving the distinctive qualities of a romantic relationship is equally critical.

Examples of these aspects are intimacy, passion, romantic gestures, and a deeper emotional connection that surpasses what is usually seen in platonic friendships.

Each relationship is different, and each pair will have a different friendship and romance ratio. Certain partnerships may emphasize the friendship component, while others may highlight the love aspects.

A romantic relationship can have aspects of both company and romance as long as both partners feel satisfied, understood, and supported by each other.

21 Telltale Signs a Relationship Feels Like Friendship

Here are some signs a relationship feels like friendship:

1. Uncommonly in-depth discussions:

In this case, you prefer to avoid more in-depth emotional discussions instead of talking about work, ordinary life, or current affairs.

It’s similar to discussing topics that don’t require vulnerability or more profound emotional connections; you stay on the surface.

Speaking about personal worries, dreams, or insecurities—typically reserved for longer, more private conversations—may be difficult for you to bring up.

2. Forced Romantic Conversation:

It’s like entering uncharted ground when discussions about intimacy, feelings, or the future emerge as forced or uncomfortable. It feels awkward and strange to talk about sentiments or future goals; these things don’t come readily.

Romantic interactions may feel forced or strained due to this discomfort, which may arise from a lack of emotional connection or a change in the dynamics of the relationship.

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3. Lack of “We” Citations:

You don’t seem to bring up common plans, objectives, or experiences as a pair in your conversations. You spend more time talking about your dreams and experiences than about collaborative projects or common goals.

The lack of the pronoun “we” in discussions could signify a separation from the relationship’s shared identity.

4. Physical Intimacy Wanes:

Kind gestures like kissing, holding hands, and snuggling become less common or cease to exist entirely. There is a gap in the physical intimacy exchanged between couples as the warmth and physical closeness that were formerly prevalent in the relationship begin to fade.

5. Seldom Missing One Another:

There’s not much need or enthusiasm to be together again when you’re apart. You feel satisfied with your personal space and routines and don’t want to be with your partner.

This absence of wanting could signal a change in the romantic longing of friendships to a more at-ease, autonomous dynamic.

6. Not Being Jealous:

It doesn’t make you feel possessive or worried if your partner sees someone else or interacts with other people.

Rather, you have total faith in your spouse and feel safe in the friendship component of the relationship. The typical possessiveness and jealousy that characterize romantic partnerships are absent.

7. Looking for Action Somewhere Else:

Outside of relationships, you find excitement and joy in making new friends and maybe even a romantic spark.

This behavior raises the possibility that there are unfulfilled wants or desires in the relationship, which is why you are looking for happiness elsewhere.

8. Putting “Friend Activities” first:

Most interactions and outings with your spouse are informal get-togethers for movie or game evenings or other group activities. Rather than the romantic dates or excursions customary in romantic relationships, these activities tend to be more friend-centric.

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9. Without Butterflies:

It is the absence of the “butterflies” feeling, typically described as a state of anxiousness or excitement surrounding your spouse.

The early-stage excitement and spark that defined the relationship has likely vanished. When you’re with your partner, you no longer feel those butterflies in your stomach associated with anticipation.

10. Absence of Emotional Disclosure:

Sharing intimate details, happiness, or significant issues with friends is more comfortable than with your spouse. This suggests an emotional gap in the relationship and that confiding in one another is no longer as comfortable.

11. Superfluous Romantic Motions:

Large-scale displays of affection or gestures of love seem unneeded or inappropriate in a relationship. This differs from the typical pattern where these sentimental acts were a part of the partnership dynamics. The lack of these expressions implies a move away from the romantic facets of the partnership.

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12. Anxiety Regarding the Future:

Conversations regarding long-term goals or commitments might come across as irrelevant or remote. There seems to be little focus on discussing or making plans for a future together, making the partnership’s future uncertain.

This ambiguity may indicate a lack of dedication or interest in the relationship’s long-term component.

13. Giggles Without Longing:

Even though you have fun together and laugh a lot, there’s no deeper longing or deep emotional connection.

The happiness and humor are there, but the depth of desire or emotional connection usually accompanies a love relationship is absent.

14. Comparing This Relationship to Others:

You start observing your relationship’s lack of passion or closeness and compare it to other couples’ dynamics.

This contrast draws attention to what you consider to be a lack of passion and emotional intimacy in other relationships.

15. Excitement Set Apart for Others:

Joy and excitement are sparked when you see others fall in love or have thrilling romantic connections, but these feelings don’t carry over into your relationship.

When you compare your relationship to the thrill you witness in others’ romantic encounters, it may seem uninspired or stale.

16. Willingness to Date Someone Else:

When considering alternative romantic choices, the relationship has no sentiments of wrongdoing or betrayal.

This openness indicates this lack of emotional investment or profound commitment to investigating alternative love possibilities in the current relationship.

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17. Regular or Anticipated Dates:

Your dates no longer have the thrill or energy associated with organizing novel or memorable events; instead, they’ve become routine or predictable. The spontaneity and excitement of doing new things or making unforgettable memories are absent.

18. Lack of Astonishments or Considerate Acts:

Thoughtful gestures and surprises usually mark romantic relationships, yet these are absent from this relationship.

If these unplanned actions or gestures stop happening, it could mean that fewer efforts are being made to make the relationship enjoyable or memorable.

19. Absence of Romantic Motions:

Special romantic acts have become scarce or nonexistent, such as sending flowers, writing love notes, or organizing surprises.

There is no longer the same romantic spark in the relationship due to these actions, which are frequent indications of diminishing love and affection.

Rather than emphasizing romance or emotional connection, the partnership is centered around common interests or pastimes. While having similar interests is important, the lack of romantic overtones or emotional depth may indicate a change to a more friend-like dynamic.

21. Absence of Impressiveness:

As is often the case in the early phases of a love relationship, there’s a glaring lack of effort to impress or entice each other.

The lack of this attempt may indicate a reduction in the pursuit of sustaining attraction or cultivating a romantic relationship.

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How to Change Things Up When Your Relationship Feels Like Friendship

It’s not uncommon for long-term relationships to fall into a routine where the initial spark and excitement fade. Over time, it’s possible for a relationship to feel more like a friendship than a romantic relationship. However, this doesn’t mean that all hope is lost.

With a little effort and creativity, you can change things up and reignite the passion in your relationship. Here are some tips to help you navigate this situation:

1. Communication is Key

Open and honest communication is crucial in any relationship. If your relationship is becoming more platonic, talking to your partner about your concerns is important.

Express how you’re feeling and listen to their perspective as well. Together, you can work towards finding solutions and making necessary changes.

2. Rediscover Shared Interests

One way to inject excitement into your relationship is to rediscover shared interests. Think back to the activities you both enjoyed when you first started dating.

Plan a date night around those activities or explore new hobbies together. Engaging in enjoyable activities can help create new memories and bring back a sense of adventure.

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3. Spice Up Your Intimacy

Intimacy is an integral part of any romantic relationship. If your relationship feels more like a friendship, it’s essential to prioritize and spice up your intimacy.

Explore new ways to connect physically and emotionally. Try new things in the bedroom, have open and honest conversations about your desires, and make an effort to prioritize quality time together.

4. Surprise Each Other

Surprises can inject excitement and spontaneity into a relationship. Surprise your partner with small gestures like leaving them a love note or planning a surprise date night. These acts of thoughtfulness can remind your partner that they are special and loved.

5. Prioritize Quality Time

Amid busy schedules and responsibilities, it’s easy to neglect quality time with your partner. Make a conscious effort to prioritize dedicated time for each other.

Plan regular date nights or weekend getaways where you can focus on each other without distractions. Quality time allows you to reconnect and deepen your emotional bond.

6. Explore New Experiences

Breaking out of your routine and trying new experiences can help inject excitement into your relationship. Explore new hobbies, travel to new places, or do a new activity together.

Stepping outside your comfort zone as a couple can create new memories and strengthen your connection.

7. Seek Professional Help

If you’ve tried the above suggestions and still find it challenging to change the dynamics of your relationship, seeking professional help can be beneficial.

Couples therapy or relationship counseling can provide the tools and guidance to navigate this phase and rediscover the spark in your relationship.

Remember, relationships require effort and nurturing. It’s normal for the dynamics to change over time, but with proactive steps, you can reignite the passion and transform your relationship from feeling like a friendship to a thriving partnership.


There can occasionally be a blurring of the boundaries between friendship and love relationships, leading to misunderstanding and doubt.

Identifying warning indicators suggesting a relationship may feel more like a friendship, such as a general lack of romantic gestures, little effort to maintain the relationship, or a lack of physical closeness, is critical.

People can honestly assess their relationships and make future decisions by being aware of these warning indicators.

To ensure personal development and relationship fulfillment, you must address these issues, whether it’s by seeing a professional or having an honest discussion with your spouse.

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